Soda for Grown-ups

Image Source: DRY Soda
Dammit so on my list of things to blog about was DRY Soda...but uh...Saveur magazine kind of beat me to the punch. I tried the vanilla bean variety and really enjoyed just the hint of flavor, and somehow (yay!) it manages to not taste like club soda that someone put a couple of drops of extract in. There seems to be a delicate balance of flavor to soda ratio, as it doesn't taste overdone or too artificial either, which is impressive. Didn't know there was a juniper berry flavor! SOOO going to seek that out (and naturally put some of the other kind of juniper juice in it). $4.99 for a 4pk. in some of the local grocery stores. Pretty sure I've seen them at Whole Foods and Wegman's...

1 comment:

  1. I've been eyeing the Dry Sodas for a few months, wondering if they're worth it. I haven't been able to convince Miles that he wants to try one (yes, I was trying to push soda on a preschooler but I swear I planned to drink most of it and he's never had soda before if that helps). Next time we have lunch at New Seasons I think I'll pick one up!


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