It's been a minute...

Sorry about that. In May of 2013, I didn't know I would not be posting on my blog for a while. I traveled overseas for work for a couple months and came home to a deteriorating health situation for my father. He passed in October 2013 and things weren't the same afterward. In the 4 years since then, I moved to Atlanta, GA from 10 years in the DC/Baltimore area, and quit my job of 13 years to try out academia. I've tried to pick up the pen again (so to speak) but with all these life changes, I forgot what account hosted my blog! AND THE PASSWORD. How does one just start again!??? At times it seemed overwhelmingly burdensome and trivial to talk about drinks again. Several times it seemed like a good project to dust off, but was overcome by something else all consuming, like a dream 3-week vacation to Norway, Germany, and Holland, adopting 3 fur kids, a random fitness kick, or sewing an oxford shirt (life goals: check, check, check, and check). Anyway, I'm back. Hope my prolonged absence didn't just nuke the possibility of starting over. Thanks to those who may want to pick up with me where I left off.

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