Grandma Jo's Athol Brose

Today's entry comes from a dear guest-blogger pasted from her email (thanks Lisa!!!):

Have to share a recipe we tried that Mom found in a stack of Grandma's recipes...OMG so delicious we wanted to lick our cups!!!

So here's Grandma Jo's Athol Brose (will knock you on your ass but it tastes like honey butter)
a.k.a. the Scottish X-mas Drink

1 C. of honey (Says heather honey, I used Trader Joe's. Whatever.)
Put on stove in pan and heat until runny but not boiling - hot to touch
Add 2 C. whipping cream slowly and stir
Heat to just before boiling. Take off stove and add 2 C. Scotch whiskey (but I cheated and used bourbon - I think the honey/milky taste is the queen so I'd use any bourbon, scotch, whiskey, but wouldn't spend extra for top shelf)
Stir. Serve immediately.

[end pasted text]

Admission: I waited to post this until after I had a chance to try it. OMG is right! Make it. Be warm. Be happy. Bless the Scottish People.

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